Publications & Reports - Document Abstract
Ond?ej Tománek, Lukáš Kencl
Optimization of Cloud Connectivity using a Smart–home Gateway
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
20-24 May 2018 | Kansas City, MO, USA
When consuming Cloud services from their homes, contemporary users face a significant degree of uncertainty with regards to Cloud–service performance and reliability. This uncertainty could be addressed by an intelligent approach deployed within a smart home gateway, which would continuously reevaluate and reassign Cloud–bound traffic to a momentarily optimal destination.We demonstrate that such optimization could bring significant benefits to individual users in terms of quality and reliability of the provided Cloud service. Furthermore, we sketch a schema of a methodology that regularly reassigns Cloud–bound traffic, based on past measurements and a constrained optimization computation; we present an experimental performance evaluation of such approach and discuss feasibility of its implementation.