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Service Aware Charging & Control in GPRS network

The Mobile Packet Core evolution is driven by the long-term vision that all current and future services will be based on native IP technology. Currently, the industry focuses on providing service accessibility and pricing transparency to end users, whilst keeping bearer and charging control with the mobile operators. Future activities will be dominated by the integration of new and evolving radio access technologies, support for real-time (multimedia) services and network convergence. Standardization will continue to play a very important role in aligning the industry towards this vision.

Petr Vacekis working in the position of a team leader for data services at Vodafone Czech Republic. In his responsibilities are GPRS, WAP and SMSC. He has a graduate degree in Telecom from CTU in Prague [2002]. Petr has worked on a couple of projects related to signalling in telecom networks at the RDC while studying for his Ph.D. which he received in 2006. His thesis was a study of algorithms’ optimization for radio resource allocation in GPRS network.

R&D Centre (RDC) for Mobile Applications
Katedra telekomunikacní techniky
Fakulta elektrotechnická
ČVUT v Praze
Technická 2, 166 27 Praha 6
Česká republika

Tel.: (+420) 224 355 991
Fax.: (+420) 233 335 999