Czech language  English language

Publikace a výzkumné zprávy - detail dokumentu

Jakub Doležal
RDC-TR-09-5 - Feasibility Study for Integration of ASR Services for Czech with IBM VoiceServer

The purpose of this feasibility study is to bring an overview of state-of-the-art platforms for enabling Czech language for current ASR/TTS platform used in Research and Development Center for Mobile Applications in Prague. Other related issues, such as speech applications technology introduction and future implementation proposal, are also incorporated.


R&D Centre (RDC) for Mobile Applications
Katedra telekomunikacní techniky
Fakulta elektrotechnická
ÄŒVUT v Praze
Technická 2, 166 27 Praha 6
Česká republika

Tel.: (+420) 224 355 991
Fax.: (+420) 233 335 999